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The Importance of Riding Gear - How I learnt it the hard way!

Sorry this topic is converted to Blog post, please click here to see the blog on the Importance of Riding Gears..

Thank you

Balaji Dilli Babu, Mani Chandrasekaran and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Balaji Dilli BabuMani ChandrasekaranSivaramakrishnan KKarthik Viswanathan

Well said. Safety can't be compromised.
Happy riding ...

Raj Mano Subbiah has reacted to this post.
Raj Mano Subbiah

Great learnings.. it better to take action before it becomes worse... I'm on it to purchase my remaining gears.

Raj Mano Subbiah has reacted to this post.
Raj Mano Subbiah

I learnt the hard way during my solo ride from Goa in 2014. I have never stepped out for any trip without riding gears, helmet, gloves and steel tipped shoes.

The Knight Ryders has reacted to this post.
The Knight Ryders