As October rolls around, it marks a significant milestone for The Knight Ryders Club, an exclusive community dedicated to Honda CB 350 & RS enthusiasts. While our official anniversary month is October, our journey began with our very first ride in May 2021 to Tindivanam for a breakfast ride. Since then, we’ve embarked on numerous short-distance rides, with our first overnight stay ride to Pachamalai, Thurayur, in September 2021.

The concept of forming a formal club took shape during our exhilarating ride to Kodaikanal in October 2021. Prior to this, we had already completed eight rides to destinations such as Chandragiri fort, Pondicherry, Kanchanagiri, and Jawadhu Hills.

Following our Kodaikanal ride, discussions began about officially forming a club, naming it, designing club t-shirts, badges, and more. The prospect of starting something with like-minded individuals, separate from our daily routines, filled us with excitement.

Fast forward three years, and we’ve accomplished an impressive 71 rides, covering approximately 37,500 kilometers as a club. Despite having fewer than 30 permanent members, we’ve welcomed non-members to join our rides, totaling 161 riders to various destinations.

Within our first year, we organized an iconic event commemorating the 75th independence with 75 riders, exclusively on Honda CB 350 and RS bikes. Additionally, we’ve actively participated in social activities such as the Pink Bikeathon rally for Breast cancer, cleaning drives in Mahabalipuram, contributing to student education, and supporting the Say No to Drugs rally organized by Hindustan College.

Our club has also embarked on several iconic rides to destinations like Goa, Varkala, Kanyakumari, Mahabaleshwar, Agumbe, Gandikotta, Rameshwaram, Kolli Hills, and even experienced the thrill of riding on the Madras International Circuit.

For every rider, the experience of riding is truly unparalleled. It offers a sense of liberation from the monotony of everyday life, providing a much-needed refreshment and a deeper understanding of oneself.

As we reflect on the past three years, each ride has been a testament to our passion and camaraderie. With every journey, we look forward to continuing our adventure and making memories that will last a lifetime. Here’s to many more years of thrilling rides and unforgettable experiences with The Knight Ryders Club!

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5 responses to “Celebrating Three Years of The Knight Ryders Club: A Journey of Passion and Adventure”


    Excellent write up. Here’s to many more miles together..Until the last mile


    Excellent team! After the successful completion of three years, I would like to thank the Captain and the team for selecting me to be a part of our esteemed Ryders group. Hats off! πŸ™Œ #Teamwork #Success #Gratitude

  3. Vishnu kumar Avatar
    Vishnu kumar

    Vera level super bro πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
    We will come more stronger

  4. Senthil M Avatar
    Senthil M

    It’s truly amazing journey for TKR. Despite the busy life, passion drives the individuals to a wonderful community. Ever since I joined as member in arena group, my work has not allowed to join a ride with TKR due to schedule mid-match. However, I am a true admirer of how this team functions and conducts themselves. Hoping to become an active rider in this group one day, I wish this team millions of happy miles ahead.

  5. NK Jayapal Avatar
    NK Jayapal

    Well written. Memories flooding back…πŸ’―

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